Thursday, June 7, 2007

I'm Tangy, Tangy Rhombus...

I have a long standing theory that there are words that are just beautiful to say, and without context or meaning would make lovely names. It is their definitions that make them terrible names and I think this is a tragic loss. Those of you that have known me for awhile may recall my favorite example of this concept - "Tangy Rhombus" - which is what I have threatened, lo these many years, to name any first born child I may have.

I present you with a list of other fantasy names. Say them out loud! See how great that feels :)
(well- don't say them too loud if you are with other people. Then they will think you are crazy - like the spectacularly white haired lady at my eye doctor that reads the Reader's Digest out loud to herself while she pops her gum. Freaky - and fatally annoying. but I digress...)

Gerund Mentos Flange
Glandular Apostle
Virulent Radish
Thalidomide Fungi
Blaspheme Roux
Crisco Denoument
Sodom Proscuitto
Cedille Bacchanal
Pestilence Bush
Epithet Shorn
Chai Fellatio Blender

If you are having a baby - I say - why not go for one of these charmers! Or come up with one of your own...there are juicy words out there awaiting redemption.

Or you could just get a fish and name it "Jim," but that would be pretty lazy of you, now wouldn't it?

1 comment:

Wain said...

I always thought you should name your pets after inanimate objects (Like my lizard Latch). But I really like the idea of getting a dog and naming it vacuum...or something of the like. Maybe that's just cause I hate dogs.