Tuesday, June 26, 2007

And the award for best use of Madlibs goes to....

I used to be a production manager for a regional theatre. This particular job fits very nicely into my career path, which can best be described as, I only accept positions where everything is my problem, all of the bucks stop with me, and I am called upon to set up a coffee stations from time to time.

Every night after rehearsal or a show, the stage manager submits a production report to yours truly - the production manager - and the head of every other production related department. During a particularly festive production I had an SM who wrote the following at the bottom of the report...
Heather: As it's a slow night, I've decided to give Heather her own category. Please feel free to write little notes to her in this space. As you probably don't have time to think of something to say----I'll give you the format.

Heather, I seem to have a problem getting my______________to work properly. Could you_________or__________me soon. Also I want to set up a _________meeting between that _________ you call a _____________. Would___________be OK with____________ or will I have to ___________myself? Thanks awfully. P.S. You look _____________ in ___________. :)

Madlibs. Do not underestimate their use in a professional setting, and John Hurley, wherever the hell you are, you kick ass.

1 comment:

Mark Barr said...

I came across your blog last week and have been checkin it out.
Great writing. You're very funny and satirical (of that's the right use of the word).
I enjoy readin it.
Keepup the good work.
And as for the entry on your mums death. I think you were totally right to act the way you did. Ultimately, if anyone is making you feel bad about yourself, no matter how, you should minimise your time with them.