Sunday, March 23, 2008


I think this is exquisite....

Monday, March 17, 2008

Good morning sir - may I offer you some JOY?

Hello everybody - welcome to the week. I hope you come out the winner.

This is for you...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The vengeful return of Jokey McJokerson...

Two blonds were walking through the woods when they came across some tracks. The first blond said "Look, deer tracks!" while the second blond insisted, "No those are bear tracks." They argued. Then the train hit them.

Monday, March 10, 2008

If the cat were in charge of my blog... would look like this

Apparently some guy wrote a magical program out of ones and zeros to turn your blog all cat like...


(Kudos to pelki for the link. Thanks friend!)

JOY Yeah - I TOLD you I was back.

So I have aboslutley nothing to say about this - other than I hope to God that this is her real hair. Happy new week.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

So I've got that going for me...which is nice.

So - it's no secret to anyone that I've been a bit up and down of late, mired in some world where Bridget Jones, Eyore, and Samuel Beckett had an orgy that birthed my brain. This particular brain has been wreaking havoc on my life.

During a great bout of said havoc-wreaking the other day my friend happened to call and as we chatted she asked me if I was really that upset. I attempted to flatly reply...


I tried to explain why - a nearly impossible feat - and it doesn't bear here so I'm not going to repeat it.
In response she told me a story...

Many years ago we were all playing with one of those questions books, this one was "Would you rather?" The question at hand,

"Would you rather gain the ability to leave excellent voicemail messages or have the elevator come more quickly by pushing the buttons rapidly, multiple times?"

I had said: "Well I already leave AWESOME voicemail messages so I've gotta go elevator."

She apparently now thinks of me whenever trying to get the elevator to come faster.

I have no recollection of this moment - but it's nice to know I trust that I have at least one thing under control.

I'm sure you do too. Something is bound to break you eventually - you can always fall back on your personal equivalent of excellent voicemail messages. It's a good thing to have in your pocket.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Double Whammy JOY! Yeah baby - we're back

(thanks to Grammarpants McCoy)
Hi all. Sorry for the no joy last week. I apparently had to run a big meeting and have an existential crisis. Meeting is over. Existential crisis - under control(ish). Welcome to JOY!
And as a special dedication to our friends across the pond. Thanks for checking in. This one is for you.