Thursday, May 31, 2007

Playin House...

They dress up and go dancing every Friday night. She drinks one beer everyday, and he laughs out loud at the funny pages. He never leaves the house without his hat and she always carries a hanky in her handbag, where she also carries a theorectically secret pack of cigarettes. Everybody knows, of course, but she's so old they let her get away with it.

She makes (and has always made) crappy meatloaf, and he pretends (and has always pretended) he likes it. It's one of three secrets he has from her. She thinks that she has four secrets from him - but she really only has two.

They have an old, tiny dog named "Boy" who is part beagle so he has floppy ears, and he just lays on the porch and occasionally wanders out to the yard and back again. HE loves the meatloaf.
I'm in love with this couple in the moment of this photograph... no idea who they are...

Photo -

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Ten Things I Feel Like Judging Today

1.) Alan Rickman.....GOOD!

2.) The New York Times Best Seller List...baaaaaad...

3.) Easter Parade (the movie)....Vintagey Good!

4.) Bjork....eeeeeeviiiiiiil

5.) Bananas...Loathesome...

6.) The Madwoman of Chaillot... Play - Compelling! woman----crazy.....

7.) Zodiac (Neal Stephenson)...Umlautily cool!

8.) Rashes - BAD ITCHY! boo...hisss....

9.) Facial Hair - good itchy :)

10.) Jan Van Eyck...Flemishly awesome...

Try it yourself! Judging is fun!

Remember to Recycle!

Courtesy of the brotherman...from a placemat in Delaware.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Do Ya Wanna Buy a Duck?

Yesterday I took the time to go to the Botanic Gardens. One of the interesting things I've discovered about myself as I have gotten older is that I seem to be far more outdoorsy than I ever expected, and when my "chi" is off nature is good for me. I go there often these days... apparently my chi is on a whirlwind tour of crazy - sort of like a giant whack-a-mole of feelings.

I have also discovered a great love of ducks, their existence seems to be slightly against the laws of physics, and I find this remarkable. All of this in spite of my phobia of birds - so go figure.

Anyway - I tell you this as pretty much just a long setup to - I, lost in my melancholic reverie, made my way to my favorite place at the garden - the duck pond. It's real purty. Beautiful view of the garden, massive weeping willow tree, impossibly darling (Darling?) children yelling "DUCK."

So I walk up to the actual entrance to the duck pond, looking for the perfect spot to indulge my mental state (some inconsiderate woman has left her stroller where I USUALLY sit. bitch.) and in front of me I see a middle-school aged retarded asian girl in a motorized wheelchair. And I think to myself. ...


Apparently we have the same coping mechanisms.

The ducks were cool though.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Only in the Midwest does this look normal......

Costco, Chicago, IL , 5/19/2007

Dead Mom Rings

My mother was a woman of consumption. Not consumptive – that’s something else entirely (see Camille, Alexandre Dumas Fils) but a woman would could, with no sense that she was doing it, consume volumes with no boundary. Things she consumed in no particular order included space, money, time, people, attention, eyebrow pencil, pills and Danielle Steele novels...but the most obvious point of consumption was food. In the time that I knew her – a full 33 years – my mother went from to heavy, to large, to huge, to large, to huger, to Jabba-the-Hut sized, to large, then finally to completely emaciated. In order to take her body on this trip she went on an experimental all liquid diet program and had no less than two drastic weight loss surgeries. In doing so, she managed to destroy her body from the inside out. There are those who think that she was just “of poor health and constitution.” The unspoken, unacknowledged truth I always sensed, however, was that for reasons she may or may not have been aware of, my mother could just never get control of herself.

I eventually was compelled to give up engaging in her health peaks and valleys simply because it was too constant and too complicated. I, selfishly or not depending on what side of the fence you prefer, had to get on with my life. Mom was sick, basically inexplicably so, and that was just what our family was. She had been bedridden for years, on and off, and towards the end – which none of us realized was truly the end until we got right there, she was bedridden straight through for months.

So, one day I got the call to come home. This was it – Mom was dying.

I did what you do… I flew back and forth, I said the things that you say, I stood vigil in the ICU, took care of my dad, bonded with my brother, uncomfortably accepted the attention of relatives and friends…. and then she died. We went through all of the immediate rituals of death and then finally - there we were – me, my brother, and my father – alone for the first time in weeks. Flowers everywhere, leftovers from the bizarre post-memorial luncheon put away. We stood there - relieved of the tension of what was going on in the hospital – how was Mom doing, who was going to go there when, what we had to do with the relatives. We knew how Mom was doing – she was in a box in the living room. On the wall unit. With her red hat lady hat. I think this filled us each with a morbid sense of relief we certainly didn’t speak about in that moment. All at once, as if the room itself had the impulse, my brother and I went to see what we wanted of Mom’s and Dad went to clean out her purse. My brother wanted her cell phone. I went to check out her jewelry. And this is when I saw it. Appalling. Horrid. Yet not at all surprising in the end. My mother, while bedridden, had apparently spent all of her time watching QVC. She had amassed boxes and boxes and boxes of low to mid quality costume jewelry – the pièce de résistance though – was the ring box. On the left of her dresser at which I had watched her get dressed for years, was a 8” x 20”ish box of rings – probably 40 in total that she had been purchasing while she lay in bed. Each ring was uglier than the last, shiny, impossibly golden rings with brightly colored stones, akin to the adult version of toy jewelry from the machine at the grocery store.

I was intrigued and yet horrified by this discovery – Mom – in a box in a living room – and her utter lack of self control – which eventually killed her – in a box in front of me. Stunning…

I took the rings home. I keep them in my living room and do wear a few of them. Guests try them on. Sometimes my roommate and I put them on and then change them as we go through phases of our evening. My favorite? The big ugly rhinestone butterfly. It is the gaudiest, most spectacular ring I believe that I have ever seen – which is saying something, because I share my mother’s love of big jewelry. People will often comment on that one when I wear it. I almost always stop myself short of saying “Thanks. Dead mom ring” as that response seems to make people uncomfortable – can’t POSSIBLY imagine why. What most surprises me about the box though, is somehow having it here with me, I feel like I have more of my mother with me than I did when she was alive. Some day I will make sense of that, but right now I just wear the big ugly butterfly and say “thank you.”

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Ten things I know

1.) In Illinois, u-turns are illegal withing 100 feet of an intersection.

2.) Marshmallow Peeps will not catch on fire. Not even if you put then in a cappucino cup full of lighter fluid.

3.) Combined, stubbornness and a hatred of losing are stronger than a ten-year-old nicotine addiction.

4.) It is very hard to get a straight answer to "What is the plural of 'Jesus'?"

5.) If you are drinking bourbon and everyone else is drinking beer, you will be drunk first.

6.) A compass can be your best friend.

7.) Neil Diamond sucks. But is also sort of awesome.

8.) The joy of a soft serve ice cream cone with rainbow sprinkles never dissipates.

9.) If you and your girlfriend break up, and you ask her if she would like to take your ex-wife's cats with her when she goes - she will never forget this. And will mock you later.

10.) Most people do not know what "penultimate" means and use it incorrectly. Number 9 is the penultimate item on this list.

In the beginning...

So – what is the focus of this blog? No idea – the miscellany of everyday life. Well – MY everyday life. Which then begs the question – who the hell am I? What do I do, what do I love, where do I come from.

I’m from the east coast, the suburban paradise that is Washington, DC’s surrounding areas – where success is measured by SUVs and the Federal GS Scale. I am shocked to find out that I have finally moved to Chicago – where everything is good but the weather.

I love the theatre – have a degree in it in fact – but am a Meeting Planner by trade these days. This is an issue that will rear its ugly head again.

My family is a bit nuts - more on this later, but the basic point is, I was pretty much just a feral id with an anxiety problem by the time I hit college… (in the early ninetes - back in olden days when we wrote our papers on paper and didn't have email.)

Other stuff to know about me is I’m damn funny. Well – if I say so myself. You can weigh in on that later if you like. I love to read and I love to cook. I will take a neat single malt scotch or a good bourbon over a drink with a fancy name any day of the week, and if we’re smoking a cigar with it, even better.

So – on with our show…..