Monday, May 28, 2007

Do Ya Wanna Buy a Duck?

Yesterday I took the time to go to the Botanic Gardens. One of the interesting things I've discovered about myself as I have gotten older is that I seem to be far more outdoorsy than I ever expected, and when my "chi" is off nature is good for me. I go there often these days... apparently my chi is on a whirlwind tour of crazy - sort of like a giant whack-a-mole of feelings.

I have also discovered a great love of ducks, their existence seems to be slightly against the laws of physics, and I find this remarkable. All of this in spite of my phobia of birds - so go figure.

Anyway - I tell you this as pretty much just a long setup to - I, lost in my melancholic reverie, made my way to my favorite place at the garden - the duck pond. It's real purty. Beautiful view of the garden, massive weeping willow tree, impossibly darling (Darling?) children yelling "DUCK."

So I walk up to the actual entrance to the duck pond, looking for the perfect spot to indulge my mental state (some inconsiderate woman has left her stroller where I USUALLY sit. bitch.) and in front of me I see a middle-school aged retarded asian girl in a motorized wheelchair. And I think to myself. ...


Apparently we have the same coping mechanisms.

The ducks were cool though.


Courtney Hanson said...

I like ducks too! I like how they look calm and peaceful above the surface but are working like mad below.

Wain said...
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