Thursday, May 31, 2007

Playin House...

They dress up and go dancing every Friday night. She drinks one beer everyday, and he laughs out loud at the funny pages. He never leaves the house without his hat and she always carries a hanky in her handbag, where she also carries a theorectically secret pack of cigarettes. Everybody knows, of course, but she's so old they let her get away with it.

She makes (and has always made) crappy meatloaf, and he pretends (and has always pretended) he likes it. It's one of three secrets he has from her. She thinks that she has four secrets from him - but she really only has two.

They have an old, tiny dog named "Boy" who is part beagle so he has floppy ears, and he just lays on the porch and occasionally wanders out to the yard and back again. HE loves the meatloaf.
I'm in love with this couple in the moment of this photograph... no idea who they are...

Photo -

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