Monday, July 20, 2009

Ten things I know

1.) Midwesterners in a group are frequently so surprised to hear anyone speak authoritatively, that simply by saying “excuse me” in the right tone of voice, you can part a sidewalk like the red sea.

2.) There are some very disgusting things that happen at Furry Con. No – I will not elaborate.

3.) A good sharp knife cannot be underrated.

4.) G.I. Jane is a terrible movie, and yet can always be counted on to turn your day around and make you want to kick some ass.

5.) It’s easy to flummox a barista by ordering plain coffee. They never expect it. It makes me giggle.

6.) The only thing to fear is stasis. (Well – that and birds)

7.) I should not be as amused by this website as I am (it’s MAYBE SFW. Caution)

8.) Fried Pickles. Tasty. Who knew?

9.) The Crowded House Woodface album is a rare gem that I had entirely forgotten about.

10.) Some things cannot be unsaid. Language is a weapon, be careful where you point it.

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