Sunday, July 1, 2007

My best moment at work this week...

As you may have picked up from recent posts - work is quite challenging for me for the next month. We have 20,000 people coming to town and I'm responsible for a whole bunch of things related to that. This involves heaps of work and lots of very very intense thinking, in addition to spectacular amounts of money and paperwork. It's been hard for awhile and it's only going to get harder before it gets better.

I can best decribe this visually as ...

What the hell are these?


In the context of this knowledge, I present you with my favorite moment at work this week.

I am following a lovely woman at my office, we'll call her "Knowledge, " into the kitchen to get some crappy, but free coffee.

She has a lolipop. It's green. My favorite flavor.

Knowledge: "Hey - what's up!"

Me: "Hey! Nothing much...."

Knowledge: "I have a lolipop."

Me. "You do! Yum! I want a lolipop too!...... or sweet sweet death."

We both laughed for five minutes.

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