Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Kill the Queen!

Holy god am I tired. SOOO tired in fact, that in lieu of writing, I give you this. The part with the zombie and the pool cues - yeah. My entire day is sort of like being that zombie. As mfink tells us - this is YouTube, not one of those OTHER sites - so it's totally SFW.



Chertiozhnik said...

SFW? Swearing, violence, gunshots... I'd really like to work where you work!

Wickedred said...

Okay - so maybe it's not safe for work in ENGLAND. We are far ruder on this side of the pond.

And yes - I guess there is some cursing in that clip. mea culpa.

It is only mostly safe for work if you work somewhere with very very sensitive people.

mfink and abby - - I suspect you are fine where you are. The rest of you, use your best judgement