Saturday, July 7, 2007

Daddy's little girl...

So my dad. He's never been a chatty guy. Or real parental. But his intentions are good and he made lots of sacrifices to take care of my mom. Whether or not this was smart - well - water under the bridge at this point. Now that she's gone he's getting chattier and trying to be a bit more involved. Kudos to him.

Before I go further with this one, it bears to say that I'm 33 years old. Currently single, have been for a few years now after the amicable, albeit painful, demise of my last two year relationship. Sometimes being old enough to get into the right trouble and being able to take advantage of it is super fun! Sometimes, especially recently, this has been a bit of a drag.

So - I called my father twice on the fourth to wish him a happy holiday and see how he was doing, as he sounded a bit low. On the second of these calls - a full three minutes in, he asked if he might pry into my personal life. Wanted to know if I was with anyone, and I told him that I wasn't at the moment, generously gave him a few details of the last two years in manville.

He then said...

Dad: "You know, I was surprised that you managed to date and live with anyone for as long as you did given how difficult you are." And then he chuckled.

Me: Silence

Dad: "Well you took THAT better than I expected you to"

I'm now left with this question.

What the hell do you do when your own father, who put up with a lot during the course of his 35 year marriage, declares you untenable to men? And thinks it's funny?

You may send me your unwanted cats of any type. According to my father I might be taking care of them well into my old age, and it's always good to have a B plan.


Wain said...

You're taking this way too seriously. is funny.

It sounds exactly like the kind of thing I'd say to my daughter one day.

Wickedred said...

Troll - I've got my finger on the delete button with you youngster.

As soon as you and Dean manage to get that little girl I'm happy to come over and teach her a few things.

Wickedred said...

oh. And it is funny.