Did you laugh? I hope so. I sure did. That's a bit scary though, as yes, it is in fact a tirade on rock, paper, scissors. Apparently I'm getting easier to amuse as I age. I probably would have found this even more amusing if it had in fact been written all piratey and alluded to One Eyed Willy.
If you don't know who One Eyed Willy is, I'm a little sad for you. you have the powers of google to figure it out...
I'm going to go make some tea now.

Cartoon , B. Kilban. Thanks to chertiozhnik for the reference...
Insomnia... wide-awake at five in the morning, dizzy with tiredness and cursing at whole planeloads of innocent people coming down the flight path overhead.
That was in London. Now I'm by the sea it is only seagulls and pigeons on the receiving end of my blisteringnesses.
The seagulls and pigeons deserve it. You never know - the people in the plane may deserve your rage as well....
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