Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ten things I'm really really bad at...

I'm good at many things, if I do say so myself. Experience and time have proven this true. The flip-side of this equation is that in those areas at which I have no skills - I'm really quite appallingly bad. Far more incompetent than the average bear.

Here are ten of the many things at which I simply suck.

1.) Laundry

2.) Catching (and its sibling - throwing)

3.) Waiting

4.) Geography (I used to date a man who mockingly called me "Magellan" I was so horrifying.)

5.) Gardening

6.) Math more complicated than very simple algebra.

7.) Parking

8.) Carpentry and electrical things. (I consider this a great tragedy. I can occasionally prove to be a halfway decent plumber though.)

9.) Putting away tupperware

10.) Riding a bicycle. (oddly - I find cyclists fascinating - but won't get on a bike)

There are more - but ten is enough for one day - don'tcha think?

Feel free to guess what the others may be!

1 comment:

Chertiozhnik said...

If you do simple algebra you are way ahead of the rest.

Like being a calligrapher in Hong Kong or China, just set up a board with "Your Differential Equations Solved" and wait for the crowds to gather.

Not as simple as selling lemonade, so maybe a more aggressive sales pitch is required.

As for the other nine, being sucky is a badge of honour, imho.