Sunday, September 2, 2007

Ten things I feel like judging today...

So - today I was digging around in my office and I found a Meyers Briggs test that I took in college. It says that in 1992 I was a ENTP - (Extravert/Intuitive/Thinker/Perceiver). I am NOW I know from having to had to retake the test a few times, an ENTJ - all of the same as above, but the last one is "Judger." heh. I'm not sure what that says about me, but I'm going to put my extra-judginess to use for the greater good.... here you are.

The hammer of judgement falls again...

1.) Cashmere/silk blends - mmmmm, fuzzy.

2.) Dismissiveness - Highly underrated.

3.) Dim Sum Delivery - Awesome, and dangerous.

4.) Manheim Steamroller - Ugh. why? WHY?

5.) Rachel Ray - Potentially the most annoying woman on the planet.

6.) People that try to chat with me on the airplane - Brave.

7.) Itchy thin socks - The work of the devil - or at least a side project of one of his minions.

8.) Chopsticks - Handy for separating the men from the boys.

9.) Cantaloupe - Worst fruit EVER.

10.) Tim Gunn - Spectacular, Snazzy and Darling. If I met him on the street he would probably yell at me for having all of my clothes slightly out of place, but I love him anyway. Project Runway - season premiere November 14! check your local listings.


Chertiozhnik said...

Whoa. I could really get into this Judging thing, it's a natural high.

Joy for Monday.

Unknown said...

Judging is fun! there are a number of those if you delve into the archives...

The joy is here now. It's safe to come out and play...

david mcmahon said...

Dunno about cantaloupe - it's great in summer!