Monday, September 3, 2007

Monday is here...and so is the JOY!

Hide your children.


Chertiozhnik said...

You could just have linked to The Sound of Music.

Because fear is only in the mind.

Wickedred said...

The Sound of Music is far too frightening for a Monday, what with the lonely goatherds and such.

Chertiozhnik said...

Perhaps Wednesday will bring an avalanche of scary things - nuns with goitres the size of cantaloupes; lonely goatherds whose perverse and spasmodic desires can no longer be suppressed or contained; Walls Vanilla Ice Cream; semicolons; Judgement Day.

But I can still raise me straw boater against the tornado and say, there was Joy on Monday. TY.

Wickedred said...

There is - and will always be - joy for Monday.

Although that joy will never come in the form of a semicolon.