So he does. Inside he gets a bowl of vanilla ice cream, eating it rather clumsily, seeing as how he doesn't have hands. When he is done, he waddles over to the service station.
This is a relatively crappy video. He is however, the best live show I have ever seen. I don't think this completely does him justice, but it's worth a listen to...and I'm out of apocalyptic ponies and mermaids. So this is the Joy you're gonna get today.
Forgive me Father for I have sinned....
Yeah - I posted something from The Little Mermaid. I was drunk. And my blood sugar was crashing. I will however confess that I do know more of the words to that song than I should. What can I say.
Anyway - perhaps Foamy can be the picked ginger in the sushi platter that is Buckets of Glitter. Enjoy.
Ugh. I'm at home. The doctor tells me I have a "bad cold." Helpful.
Anyway - there is no actual reason to post this. I have no idea what to make of it - but it's totally worth watching. For you...enjoy.
What says welcome to your week better than a little musical comedy? And dancing with raincoats - don't forget that.
This song...lovely.The video treatment here is a little on the precious side...but apparently the snark of depth has left me for a bit. I'm sure it will be back soon. I promise I'll get funnier as the week progresses.
Hello friends - extra bonus joy here! Not safe for work because of the naughty words. Well- REALLY not safe for work if you work somewhere that likes god a lot. Other than that you're doin okay.
Thanks to Nougat for the tip off.