Monday, January 21, 2008

Joy for Monday - because I can't be more creative than that.

So I quit smoking. again. Yay for me. Boo for my sanity. I'm a twitchy ass mess and am apparently allergic to nicotine patches. It's making me a little cranky and I can't focus to find you a picture or video of joy of any type... Here's a list of stuff that brings ME joy. Perhaps some of these things bring you joy as well - and then we can have a special joy moment over what we have in common. I just simply can't find an appropriate picture of a fluffy chicken or whatnot today.

1.)Acoustic Guitar


3.)Road Trips!

4.)Yellow cupcakes with chocolate icing and rainbow sprinkles.



7.)Brand new handsoap

8.)Things that are sturdy


10.)Jazz Clarinet.

Happy Joy to YOU!


Wain said...

okay, two things...

#1: Jazz Clarinet is a HORRIFFIC bastardization of the instrument.

#2: Nicotine patches are significantly worse than Jazz clarinet. I wore one for 2 hours, after itching badly and my skin all around it turning bright red I took it off. It peeled off a layer of skin with it.

The really gross part was the skin just came right off, no tearing or bleeding or pain really, just a little gooey.

Wain said...

okay, okay, there's a #3 too!

#3: I love you.

Chertiozhnik said...

Without wanting to be controversial (and as an Englishman I do not)...

#1 Unless you are Johnny Dodds or George Lewis.

#2 The chewing gum is a good hit with coffee. Patches, useful if it is five o'clock in the morning and all the cigarette shops are shut and you have to eat the patches. Warning: may result in sparkly black-and-white vision, agonising headache.

Wickedred said...

Pelki - I would LOVE to see a brief dissertation on why you hate the Jazz Clarinet. I notice you took issue with no other things on my list. Fascinating.

Chert (May I call you "Chert? your name is just so damn long and my fingers are lazy) - I may be eating my patches any second now. I'm simply intolerable at this point.

Chertiozhnik said...

Given a choice of two, I am torn between leather and cashmere, and leather and brand new handsoap.

Spinach and riggers, I had it all once and it didn't pan out.

Chertiozhnik said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wickedred said...

Post removed by the author? Oy - curiosity is killing me. But not my cat - who seems to be in heat. That's a whole other post.

Chertiozhnik said...

Some other combinations that went OTT. No wonder your cat is in heat.

Wickedred said...

perhaps - leather, things that are sturdy, and chocolate iced cupcakes? Damn cat.