Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The joy is back! I know - I'm a slacker

Hi Everyone! Sorry there has been no joy. First I went to Vegas, then I had to spend a week catching up (read - in a conversation with myself about unpacking and what the maximum acheivable level of hungover could be), then I got all busy - but now I'm BACK!

first up - here's some joy...

This is my new kitten. YAY! I rescued her from children who were trying to light her on fire. My karma is now back in check. Her name is Grendel aka The Great and Powerful Fennel...

Next up - here are some things that I learned in Las Vegas:

1.) Bourbon, stilettos, and cobblestone are a wicked combination requiring focus and ankle strength.

2.) The following thing does exist: a lesbian with too much frosted pink eyeshadow.

3.) It's worth paying the extra money for homemade salami (Thank you Mario Batali)

4.) You can, in fact, lose a chunk of money on penny slots.

5.) Tony Danza is still getting work, this time in The Producers. God save us.

6.) Apparently, the bulk of Americans think it is okay to go into the world in mis-matched sweats while on vacation. (no wonder everyone hates us)

7.) A tiny eclair with breakfast = joy!

I've only got seven today - but - keep your eye on this space and magical pictures will appear.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Chertiozhnik said...

Nice you're back! Happy and fortunate kitten. I would rather be joyed in than set fire to, too. Did you set fire to the children responsible, as Struwelpeter or Mrs. Doasyouwouldbedoneby would certainly have done?

Chertiozhnik said...

I take that back about Struwwelpeter - one grows old and forgets.

Courtney Hanson said...

what a cute kitty!!!!